Monday, October 27, 2008

Pennsylvania Forest Fire Museum Meeting

Museum Meeting

A half dozen small museums gathering at the Pennsylvania Forest Fire Museum Association annual meeting this past Saturday. It was encouraging to hear how determined each of the groups are to establish a museum and how seriously they take their efforts. The most advanced is the National Museum of Forest Service History in Missoula, Montana. They are hoping to break ground this coming year and use the museum to teach visitors about some of the major problems in the national forests.The A.T. Museum Society presented and we explained how the museum will attempt to tell the story of the entire A.T. community and how the trail has a powerful hold on so many people around the world. The A.T. Museum's exhibit was judged the best, thanks to the work by Bill O'Brien, including a new section on the Earl Shaffer Shelter project, and the photos of Charlie Duane.The A.T. Museum is hoping to cooperate with many of these museums and has been in touch with the Pennylvania Forest Fire Museum for several years.The Forest Fire museum is hoping to open in a renovated building in Caledonia State Park, across from Park Headquarters, by mid-2009.